New Domain ( is Online

Wed, 04/24/2013 - 13:30

At beginning, I did not plan to register a domian for this Monster Quest site. So, I just asked my friend to open a subdomian ( for me.

The subdomian is quite long and not easy to type/remember. Since lots of palyer like this website and start to use it, I decided to create a new domian.

Becasue MonsterQuest is an American television series, there is no way to get the domain After some research, I found the domian is still avaiable, and believe that it's a good domain for my site.

Hope everyone like this new domain!


theSnarkRemarks's picture

Congratulations on the new domain! :D

I did not notice how much time had passed since my last update until I stopped by and read the news updates. A lot has happened! Thank you again for all the work you are putting into the site, it just keeps getting better! I have not explored the fusion framework very much (yet!) but it looks fantastic so far. You are awesome!